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The Art of Saying Thank You

Two words that are not used enough today - Thank You. Appreciation is a powerful message and in a way becoming extinct in our everyday life. I do believe that Thank You is somewhat of an art form. We forget these words as we are busy with our day to day lives, busy with work, answering emails, going from one appointment to the other. But as the Holidays have passed I have been thinking more and more how important it is to show your appreciation and to be Thankful. Saying these two words or stating them in a note is pretty easy. This small act of kindness has a unique power in itself to change a person's day, week or sometimes their life.

I am a true believer in the Thank You Note. This simple written note makes such a big difference as you may bring a true smile to someone's face and capture a moment that truly made a difference. And when I say a Thank You Note I do not believe an email takes the place of the lovely card or hand written note we send in the mail to the person who made a difference for us. It is unfortunate to think that as a society we are on the brink of cultural extinction of gratitude.

As Maya Angelou once said "I find that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel". It is simple, but sometimes so hard for people to express those two simple words that will make a significant difference for someone who receives them.

As I look back at this year and years gone by I know that I have taught my children this thing I call the Art of Thank You. To appreciate, to show gratitude to truly be thankful. We are blessed in our lives. I hope I will be remembered someday as that woman who wrote so many notes to so many people for so many different reasons. So as you may be sitting reading this...ask yourself...when was the last time I sat and wrote a true Thank You Note, not just said Thank You, but expressed that emotionally, from my heart in words to someone. .

I know that each time I receive a note of any kind in the mail, it makes me feel so loved and appreciated. These are simple acts of kindness, something in this day we truly need and thrive for. It is time for all of us to pick up our pens, maybe for no special reason but to make someone feel good today, for being our family, our friend, our children, any reason, write it down, send it in the mail Truly you will make a difference and it will make a difference for you as well.

Thank You to all who support me, love me and have given me this opportunity to share with all of you!



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